UT Neonatology specialists at University Clinical Health provide care to critically ill and premature infants at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and the Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center at Regional One Health, and well-baby care to those born there. The team is comprised of doctors, researchers and support teams who have achieved significant reductions in mortality and morbidity, including reduced infection rates and respiratory and eye conditions.
UT Neonatology specialists provide round-the-clock care to critically ill and premature infants. Advances such as chemical warming mattresses and incubator light shields have helped to raise survival rates and decrease complications. Doctors also added the ability to incubate babies in the delivery room and increased the overall room temperature to improve outcomes. UT Neonatology supplies all doctors to the neonatal care units at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and the Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center at Regional One Health.
The award-winning UT Neonatology team is led by Dr. Ajay Talati, who also serves as Medical Director at Regional One Health, and Dr. Mark Weems, who also serves as Medical Director at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Each doctor is a member of the faculty of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Memphis, TN.
Meet Our Team
To learn more about our physicians, click on a photo below.
Karis Browder, MD
Sandeep Chilakala, MD, MPH
Jennifer Davidson, DO
Megan Derrer, MD
Ramasubbareddy Dhanireddy, MD
Mohamad T. Elabiad, MD
Mimily Harsono, MD, MSc.
Bhuvaneshwari Jagadesan, MBBS, FAAP
Stephanie Martinez, MD
Ramesh K. Krishnan, MD, FAAP
Massroor Pourcyrous, MD
John Haigler Purvis, MD, FAAP
Divya Rana, MD
Edson Ruiz, MD
Rishika Sakaria, MBBS, FAAP
Ajay Talati, MD
Mark Weems, MD
Keadrea Wilson, MD
Our Locations
Regional One
853 Jefferson Ave, Floor 2
Memphis, TN 38103
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital
848 Adams Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone (901) 287-5437